ChartMyGolf - Registration
When you run ChartMyGolf you may be asked to Sign In.
If you do not have an account you can create a free
account with this simple registration process.
If you are on the Sign In page click the Register for Free button and you will be taken to the
Registration page.
Username: Type in your username.
This must be unique, alphanumeric (ie letters and numbers), not contain any spaces and be between
3 and 30 characters.
Password: Type in a secret password.
This must be alphanumeric (ie letters and numbers), not contain any spaces and be between
3 and 30 characters.
Retype Password: Since you cannot see the password you have typed we have given you this safety
feature to make sure you have typed the password you believe you have typed.
This must match the password you have typed above.
(Do not use copy-and-paste otherwise this safety feature becomes pointless.)
Email: Type in a valid email. We need this to make sure you are a human and not a computer bot.
You will be sent a verification email to this address.
Verification Email: You will be sent a verification email to the address you have provided.
Allow a few minutes for this to arrive and do not forget to check your
spam folder just in
case your email provider accidentally sends it there.
Within this email will be a verification code.
It is easiest to copy and paste this into the verification code edit box in the program.
In Windows copy-and-paste can be done by selecting the code in the email and
pressing CTRL-C to copy it.
Then on the Verification page of ChartMyGolf, click inside the
edit box and paste the code using CTRL-V.
Once your code is in the edit box press the verify button and you will be sent back to the
main menu.
Return to the main [Help] menu.