
Save your Golf Stats to the Hard Drive

When in the main menu of ChartMyGolf you can Save your golf stats to your hard-disk.

This is a powerful element of Microsoft's Silverlight web-based technology. Instead of saving your golf stats to our server or to your local-storage you can safely save it to your hard-drive which can then be transferred between your laptop and home desktop using cd-rewritables or even a usb flash-stick.

Save Button of Chart My Golf Click the icon on the left to get the Save Dialog Box. Type in the name of the file and locate it in a suitable directory on your hard-drive. The save file will automatically add the extension glf to the end of your filename so you do not have to add it yourself. Click Save when you are satisfied.

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Some golf news and information sites
[Wiki Golf]    [NBC Sports]    [BBC]    [Sky Sports]    [Eurosport]    [USGA Handicap]    [CONGU Handicap]    [SAGA Handicap]    [EGA Handicap]   

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